Our Faithful Followers

So it's almost inexcusable how long it's been since we've done a legitimate blog post. In reality, we had pretty much given-up on the blog, since we thought that our only readers were our parents and siblings, and it turns out that not even they were following Cain From Away. Little did we know that once the posts disappeared completely, our truly loyal followers would come pouring out of the woodwork... and by pouring, we mean thank you Matt, Courtney, Uncle Mark, and Ed (not Meredith's stepfather who we're pretty sure doesn't know this blog exists) for filing the proper complaints to the authors of this blog and getting it rolling again. We'll even try and do a catch-up post after this one to cover The Maine Winter... which we pretty much skipped in its entirety.

First, we've got an update on Orvis's pad. He pulled some strings and had his main room redecorated with the help of his grandparents (who were in town to assist with Meredith's studio preparation - more on that in another post). We now have even nicer furniture than I ever thought I'd own in my life with the addition of a comfy green couch and a sa-weet leather chair.

What's more, Orvis can now watch his weekly soaps and trash reality shows in beautiful HD glory on his new flatty. Sometimes we wrestle the remote away from him and even get to watch some of our own shows.

But more often than not, he makes us stick to the old tv...

Winter's almost over here and as the snow melts, Meredith and I are looking forward to enjoying some warmer weather and great Maine places. I promise we'll keep our avid followers posted, and even attempt to catch them up, in the next few weeks. Breathe Easy, you four (or maybe even more)!