Off of a tip from Emilie's new graphic designer, Christina Wnek, I was fortunate enough to take my second and third summer Freeport trips to catch this year's Patagonia Outlet Labor Day Sale. Taking pretty much an entire day off from work (yes, life as a web designer is pretty rough...), I made it to Freeport around 9:30 am, and grabbed a place in the already growing line for the Patagonia store that did not open until 1o am. Although it was a madhouse, I made out with some sweet deals that will hopefully provide me with abundant warmth for the upcoming winter.
Since shopping for women isn't really my thing, Meredith and I returned after she got off of work that evening to see if we could find her some cool gear too. Unfortunately, there was little to be had by 6pm, but this apparent loss was quickly made-up for by another Joanie Benoit sighting. While picking out another pair of pants for myself, I heard a "pssst... Michael!" Terrified, that I had been fingered in a shoplifting scam, I spun around to find Meredith wide-eyed on the stairs, mouthing to me, "stop looking, Frank." Obviously confused, I got closer to Meredith and found that she wasn't going crazy, but rather that "Joanie was upstairs!" in a hushed whisper. After one or two silent sideways glance passes of the running star and Meredith's hero, I went to check out while Meredith went next door to check out the Horny Toad sale. While swiping my card, who happened to walk up? None other than Joan herself! Naturally seizing the opportunity, I, in my socially awkward ways, out of the blue asked her if she was "the Joanie runner from Cape Elizabeth." Luckily for me, she was a very friendly person, and was able to look past my awkwardness with a graceful kindhearted tone, and a "welcome to Maine!" After leaving, Joanie passed us on the street and took the time to stop and say hey to both of us, completely making Meredith's day and putting me one up in the "Incredibly Awesome" boyfriend category. Thank you, Joan.
Breathe easy, (Meredith's still having trouble catching her breathe after that day).