Finally, another road-trip!

Meredith and I ended our short road-trip drought today with a trip up to Grafton Notch State Park. A curiously laid-out state park, Grafton Notch had a variety of sights to offer, from waterfalls to caves, to a nice chunk of the AT complete with beautiful vistas. Unfortunately for us, we never saw these vistas, as Orvis decided to quickly develop a fear of boulder hopping. Forgetting to tell us of this fear, he allowed us to walk a mile and a half STRAIGHT UP a mountain, on one of the steepest trails I've ever been on, only to chicken out when the going got tough a few hundred feet from the top. If it weren't for Meredith's Mexican Wrap lunch and Orvis's eternal hunger, we might still be sitting in between three boulders a few thousand feet above sea level. Long story short, the view of the vista from the ground was still quite impressive, and the waterfalls from other sections of the park, coupled with a majestic covered bridge in the nearby town, almost made up for the three hour drive for a three mile hike. Meredith and I are planning to go back some weekday morning to try and experience the waterfalls and trails with a few less screaming crumb crunchers in the background, though.

Hopefully you guys will breathe much easier than Orvis was this afternoon, stuck on the side of a mountain.

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