This evening while Michael was hard at work on his website (more on that to come soon!), I had the chance to attend the Beach to Beacon Volunteer Celebration. For those of you who don't know, the Beach to Beacon race is an extremely well-known, prestigious 10K race that's held right here in Cape Elizabeth, from Crescent Beach State Park to the Portland Head Light. This year, it sold out in the first twenty-four hours registration was open! After signing our lease in June, and finding out that the course runs right by our house, I knew I just had to be a part of this race! Also, the day we signed the lease, I made it a goal of mine to meet the founder of the race, Joan Benoit Samuelson, one of my running heroes!

My fear of going to an outdoor picnic, where I would not know a single soul, quickly vanished when I drove down the driveway to Breakwater Farm. This evening's hosts, the Hagen family, graciously welcomed us to their absolutely breathtaking property. Tonight we were blessed to feel and smell a cool, Cape Elizabeth salty breeze, while we looked out upon both rocky and sandy beaches. To the south was Richmond Island, an island high on our list of places to explore once we find access to a boat. Being "from away," I feel lucky to have been invited to such a beautiful piece of land and experience so many of my favorite bits of Maine, all in one area!

After mixing and mingling with the other race volunteers, I was so excited when I saw Joanie come under the tent. I was immediately struck by her warm, inviting attitude toward all of the volunteers, but I had no idea where I was going find the nerve to somehow speak to her. My apprehension got the best of me and I started making excuses in my head, like "oh, she's extremely busy," or "no way, I have an ice cream sandwich in my hand, I need to look like the pillar of health!" I had made peace with the fact I was not going to meet Joanie... at least not tonight.

After a presentation honoring all of the volunteers for the race's eleven year history, it was raffle time! I'm usually not big into raffles, but this one was different. After all, they were giving away posters signed by Joanie, a book, and some apparel from both the Boston Marathon and the Women's Olympic trials. I was literally giddy with anticipation as they called each one of the winning numbers... so giddy that I did not even believe that my number was actually called! Jim, one of my fellow volunteers, brought me back to reality and told me to go get my prize, a commemorative poster celebrating Beach to Beacon's 10th anniversary, signed by JOANIE! YAY!

When all the raffle prizes were handed out and it was time to go home, I noticed something quite peculiar, Joanie was alone! All of the volunteers that were still around were talking to other race coordinators. This was my chance! I totally went for it! I thanked her for the poster and the wonderful evening, told her I just moved to Cape Elizabeth this month, and how I was working the water stop at mile three. I was then informed, (by Joan Benoit Samuelson, herself!!!) that mile three is where the race "really begins to come together." Someone pulled her aside and we said our goodbyes, and I practically skipped all the way to my car, completely BEAMING with joy! Needless to say, I'm psyched about the race on Saturday! I'm also excited to get another taste of Beach to Beacon fun tomorrow, when I work the CELT table at race registration in the evening. Who knows, she might even be there tomorrow...(!) Keep your fingers crossed!

Breathe easy everyone! It's something I haven't quite been able to do since I met one of my heroes.


emilie said...

Congrats, Meredith! I am so excited for you! Have a great, great weekend at the race!

Anonymous said...

Mere- you are such a nut! Celebrate the fact that you eat ice cream sandwhiches!!! Love you sis!

Anonymous said...

i spelled sandwich wrong...