Intro: Aside from that extremely long thing that none of ya'll will read over on the right...

Writing something that will be read by more than just a tired TA or professor who could honestly care less is a truly unique feeling.  This being my first blog entry ever, I'd like to clear up a few things...

  1. I am NOT a blogger.  I won't pretend that my life or my thoughts are any more important than the next schmuck's.  In fact, outside of our families (you guys have to), and the few friends that just want to see pictures and use this as some sort of neo-facebookrastination, I don't expect to see all that many new visitors a week, month, or lifetime.
  2. On that previous note, to the dozen or so people who will be reading this (at least once), thank you for reinforcing my own neo-facebookcrastination.  I love each and everyone of you in the least creepy way possible.
  3. Finally, I hope that this turns out in a somewhat coherent manner.  There really is so much great stuff to do and see here, and not only will this allow Mere, Orvis, and I to share it with ya'll, but it will also help me to remember everything, since most of us know that my memory is worth about as much as my poli sci degree (that's for you Dad)!
Now, let's get this started.

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